Friday, September 29, 2006

My Baby Sitter is a Lunatic

Wow, what a day! Things are so messed right now, I'm not sure what to do :(
My babysitter has been a little oddballish since the beginning, but I thought oh well, that's just her nature and we'd deal with her idiocyncracies. This week she asked me to pay cash instead of a cheque. I really didn't want to do that because I haven't received any receipts as of yet and wanted to play it safe. This morning I paid her with a cheque and she was a little upset. I left for work...
When I go back to pick up the girls she has a paper for me to sign saying that I have to give her 2 weeks notice if i pull the girls from her care. Then she shows me a piece of paper that I'm to give my hubby to read...

I would like Tina to pay me cash on Friday nights. Please send a receipt book so I can issue one at that time. My parents run a big business and this is the same as a cheque to claim on taxes. The big difference is it makes it easier for me. I can spend the money Friday night if I wish. The babysitting money is to be my extra money.
I am currently employed in my own business as a piano teacher (although I'm a geotechnical engineer). I work three nights per week at a rate of $24/hr. You pay approximately $2.00 per hr per child!!
Your children are fed three times per day high quality food. Mia eats as much or more than the two girls combined. They get lots of outdoor exercise, dance, preschool work (tutoring), music, stories, outings etc. So far their behaviour has been surprising. They're disobedient and distructive. I have countered this with no warning time outs. I've asked a small favour of you. If I don't get it then this is your two weeks notice.

I signed her stupid paper before I read this other note. Phil was livid with me... I feel like a bag of crap! We went to the bank and have stopped payment on that cheque. We thought we may need some leverage to get our stuff back (kids clothes, umbrellas, new carseat etc). We are stuck looking for a new sitter before Monday. Anyone have any suggestions on how to handle this whack job? I'm all cried out...


Danielle said...

WOW...Big Hugs Tina!!! That's just HORRIBLE!

I have a good idea ~ go over there (all 4 of you) and go and get the girls' stuff. That way if you bring the girls...the babysitter won't want to make a scene in front of you (HOPEFULLY), plus the girls can start crying because they want their things back.

I can't believe her "stupidity", and the thing about writing your hubby a letter is just WRONG. Can't she talk to you both, instead of over-stepping you to go to him?! I mean come on!!!

Big Hugs ~ Thinking of you...and I hope you find a babysitter soon! Wish I lived closer...I'd love to babysit your little sweeties, plus Kylan & Kennedy would love to play with them!!!

Heather said...

WOW when I talked to you on Saturday she did seem odd but this is a bit much. Very weird that she asked for cash if she was giving receipts and none of the cheques before bounced. Yes babysitting doesn't pay much but she should have expected that and why did she write your dh the note. I think I'll be for the best. I'll pray that you find someone else fast and you get your stuff back. I really wished I could help you out.

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! It just sounds strange that she request cash. Also, SHE is suppose to provide the receipt, not you. Sounds to me like she just didn't want to babysit for you anymore but still wanted her money. Come on. Seriously! Does she think she can have her cake and eat it too? Hoping you find a sane one soon. Big hugs.

mary h.

Jen Hoover said...


I'll give you a call ;)